Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Newsletter, Term 3, Week 9

Coroglen School Newsletter
Term 3 Number 9
Wednesday 25th September 2013

Hello / Kia Ora

Pet Day – The long range weather forecast is looking good for this Saturday so we hope to see everyone there. Children will need to be at the school by 9.30am to help set up. Parents please drop off your baking on Saturday morning to the cake stall.

This year we are having a best dressed pet/owner award and best trick competition, so get thinking about how you will dress yourself/pet up and what tricks they can perform.

Zero Waste – Ken Carpenter from Zero Waste visited the school on Monday to talk about reducing your rubbish. The junior room discussed having litter less lunch boxes by avoiding once’s and finding packaging that can be used again and again.
In the senior room Ken talked about when buying a product with lots of packaging, he only takes the product and leaves the packaging at the shop for them to reuse. He also discussed the cost of landfills to dispose of the rubbish we make.

Fonterra Milk – Our school will start giving the children chilled UHT  milk from Fonterra at the start of next term, Monday to Thursday. Kelly from Fonterra came last week and taught the children how to fold the empty milk cartons to be recycled.

Yummy Sticker Sheets – If you have any yummy sticker sheets at home, please return them to school as these will need to be sent off shortly. Please find new sticker sheets attached to the newsletter.

Corokids Olive Board – The senior room have finished a lovely display to explain to potential buyers the process they have followed to make their olive oil and Lemon grass castile soap. Pictured are Hannah Parry and Alana Howat who were instrumental in the design of the Olive Board.

Hot Water Beach Sand Dune Planting – Thank you to everyone who is providing transport on Thursday. We will be leaving the school soon after 9am to get back for morning tea at 10.30am. Unless it is torrential rain we will still be going ahead with the planting. In the case of light showers please remember to bring your raincoats and gumboots.

Tsunami Warning - This Friday at 12 noon a 2 minute continuous siren will signal a practice tsunami warning.

End of Term 3 – Friday 27th September is the last day of term 3. School will re-commence on Monday 14th October 2013. Have a safe and adventurous holiday.

This week we farewell Libby Reilly. Libby has been doing her student teacher practicum with us this term and we have really enjoyed having her at the school. The junior room will miss Libby but send their best wishes in her future teaching career.

I will be away at the Rural Schools Principals’ Conference in Napier this week getting lots of good practical ideas for our school and will be back for Pet Day on Saturday.

Daylight Savings - Remember to put your clocks forward one hour on
Sunday 29th September.

Enjoy your week
Penny and the team.

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