Thursday, July 3, 2014

Newsletter, Term 2, Wk 9

Hello / Kia Ora

End of term 2
Term 2 ends tomorrow. The school will re-open on Monday 21st July for term 3.

Winter Sports
The Winter Sports day went ahead last week with the weather co-operating. We had a fantastic turn out of children with great results.
The junior team came first, and the senior team was second equal, well done!

School Attendance Information & Tips
I have attached an introduction to Coral Clark who is our new attendance service advisor for this area. Please read this pamphlet, as it has some useful information.

Volunteer required

We are looking for someone who is able to come down to the school and chop some of our wood up for kindling. We urgently need this to be done for next term as we very low.

Coroglen School would like to thank the following people for all the wonderful things they are doing around our school.
Colin Martin – Thanks for building the court barrier so we can play Court Hockey. The children are stoked…
Jorma Lee – Thank you for cleaning up the damaged trees around our school. It looks much tidier…
Jed Harper – Thanks for fixing the damage to the roof on our veranda and swimming pool shelter caused by the recent winds. Now we can stay dry…
Jessie Lockhart – A big thank you for clearing the dead sunflowers from the front garden before Ngaire replanted it, and for repairing the broken desk. 

With the nationwide discussion about changing the NZ flag recently our children have been working on designs of their own.

Enjoy your holidays
Penny and the team

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