Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Hello, Kia Ora

· School Blog – Don’t forget to check out our blog site. You will find newsletters and other information at


Paeroa Tournament-Red Panthers

Yr 5-6 - We had a fun day at Paeroa. The girls had a very early start as they were playing 6 games of netball in one day! They played in the first and last games of the day. Unfortunately the girls didn't win any of their games but came very close in 3 of the games. L'Shae did very well scoring most of the goals. Thanks to Kelly Evanson for helping us out and to Gracey for soldiering on even though you weren't feeling well. Great effort girls. Thanks to all the parents for providing transport and support. No game this week. Next game is on at MBAS 02/07/2011 9.00am.

Lunches – There will be no pub lunches until further notice. Nikki’s lunches will be available for ordering on a Thursday for delivery Friday. This Friday we are having a shared lunch so there will be no lunches this week (see below).


Matariki – The school have been studying Matariki and would like to share what we have learnt. There will be a performance this Friday at 11.30 followed by a shared lunch at 12.30. Please bring a finger food contribution.

Term Dates – We are nearing the end of term two which will end on Friday the 15th of July. We will be back for term three on the 1st of August.

Fundraising Meeting – There will be a fundraising meeting in the school library on Friday at 3pm.

Winter Sports Day –Year 4-8 – This is on the 8th of July. Children will need suitable sports shoes for netball, hockey and ripper practice every day please.

Lotto Numbers – These are still available but we hope to start this week. You have 5 chances to win with the proceeds going into the senior Rotorua trip. The tickets are $10 for each number.


The following are some interesting sites for children to try out


At their mission is to create an online environment to provide innovative, web hosted, multimedia activities for children. There are activities offered from all main subject areas. There are some areas for sharing and social interaction. The site has five categories: fun learning; open ended creative activities with project saving and showing; user generated content areas; educational videos; and a multi player virtual world


This is for all the budding readers. It is an indication of where we are going in terms of texts. Please don’t misunderstand me as I love the feeling and of a well thumbed book. This site offers many features over an above simply providing the texts. There is a wide range of literature available here in a truly global sense. The collection is well catalogued and easy to access.

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