Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Newsletter, Term 3, Wk 3

Hello / Kia Ora

Storing water
The school has received a media release regarding the use of bleach in your water. Living in a rural community we are aware some of you may use bleach in your water tanks as advised by Council. That should still be done. However, with new products coming onto the market not all bleaches are safe to use in drinking water.
It is not safe to use bleaches that contain added scent or perfume, surfactants or other additives – they can make you sick. Surfactants will make the water foam or bubble when it is shaken or mixed. If the product’s label is not clear about what has been added to the bleach, do not use the product for the safe storage of water.

Cross Country
We are having a cross country practice for the years 4-8 at Whenuakite School on Friday 8th August at 9am. We will need transport to and from Whenuakite School and will be leaving school at 8.45am for running practice at 9am. The course will not officially be marked up until the day of the race. This should take no more than half an hour and we plan to be back to school by 10am so the manual kids can catch the bus as normal.

Lock down practice
Due to Monday’s events we practiced lock down procedures today where all our children were moved into the hallway being the safest area in the school.

BOT meeting
Our next board of trustees meeting is Thursday 14th August. If you are interesting in joining the board, please come along. All are welcome.

Healthy Breakfasts
Briar Ward from Project Energize recently discussed healthy breakfast options with the junior class. Weet-bix, porridge, eggs and whole grain toast are the healthiest and cheapest options for every day with less sugar and fat and more fibre. The reason we have breakfast is to enhance brain function, focus and staying power.

Multiplication in the junior room

Repeated addition in other words multiplication eg. 2+2+2=6, and 3 x 2=6.
This is the juniors singing the multiplication song, using their fingers as the multiplication sign.

3D water cycles in the senior room
The senior class is following up their recent unit study on Water Conservation by making a 3-dimension water cycle.

Caitlyn, Sashka and Riely-Jean work on their 3-dimension water cycle project.

School break in update
A meeting was held at the school yesterday regarding the break in. The BOT will be discussing the issue and looking at formulating a policy which formalizes this process as discussed with Constable Catherine Sell, who was very complimentary about the steps we have taken so far.
Thanks to the parents involved who have been supportive.

Kind regards

Penny and the Team



I can/cannot provide transport on Friday 8th August to Whenuakite School for the practice cross country. I will be ready to leave Coroglen School at 8.45am.

I can take ________ other children plus my own child/ren.

Name _____________________________________

Signed ____________________________________


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