Thursday, September 11, 2014

Newsletter, Term 3, Wk 8

Hello / Kia Ora
I once entered a competition online and now I get loads of emails and offers from companies I have never heard of. How did they get me details and can I stop this?
The ORB is an online place where you can go to report any sort of cybercrime. The things you’d report are content such as child pornography, scams, harassment, breaches of privacy, unsolicited emails and viruses being introduced to your computer system via email or websites.

At Home with Maths
For those parents who are interested in purchasing “At Home with Maths” – a maths homework book for children, the school has the opportunity to purchase these at a cost of $14. Please fill out the slip at the end of the newsletter if you are interested.

Hi all,
This is just a heads up that cricket is starting back up here in Mercury Bay.
There is a kid’s cricket session at the school once a week with Northern Districts Cricket. It’s from 3.15pm onwards. Some kids may not be able to make this session due to football training or other commitments. If your kids are interested please let me know as this will just be the beginning of getting everyone together.
Dave Lamason has indicated that he is keen to teach the kids the skills and then they will play each other in actual games. There will be no travelling involved just one night after school during the summer.
I will keep you posted, could you please forward this to anyone who you might think will be interested.
Thanks, Sue Costello 027 706 8786.

Nits are still a problem at the school. Regular brushing with a good nit comb will break their arms and legs which they don’t like – it is much more important to comb your child’s hair with a nit comb than to spend time washing clothes and linens and vacuuming your house.

Variety Concert
The senior room ukulele members and singers have been asked to perform at the variety concert at The Mercury Bay Club showcasing their talent on 20th, 21st and 22nd November. We realise that this is a commitment for families but are please the children get this opportunity to perform at this level. There will be a full dress rehearsal at the club on Sunday 16th November.

Hi all,
As many of you know, but as some new families might not, our school's Pet Day which is coming up is a fabulous way for our school to raise money. In the past few years we have changed it from being on during the week, to being on a Saturday so that it can be a family day out. There are very few family events in our area this time of year, so let's all work together to make a great day out for families and our community.
Please start thinking of ways your family can support and help at this year's Pet Day. Next week's newsletter will have some ways in which you can help, but as always we are keen for new ideas and suggestions. Mark your calendars and please make an effort to come to our next meeting after school on Friday 19th September followed by a get together at the pub. Cheers Amy

Mercury Bay Swimming Club
2014 registration will be held at the Community pool on Thursday 25th September from 3 - 5.30pm.
Registration forms can be downloaded from or collected from the school office and also from Birdwood Springs mini golf on Joan Gaskill Drive.
Full payment is required at registration . If you wish to pay via internet banking, please print your receipt and attach it to your registration form.
Forms can be posted to the address on the top of the form, or returned in person on the night. Please do not return forms and payment to the school office.

Working Bee
The school grounds need a spruce up before Pet day. We would like to have this happen on Sunday 21st September between 10am and 12pm.
If you are unable to make the working bee on Sunday, you may be able to come down for an hour or so during the week before the working bee to make a start on the gardens. We look forward to seeing you all. Many hands make light work!

Yummy Stickers
Could you please start sending the Yummy Sticker sheets in as they will be sent off in the next 10 days. We are able to purchase sports equipment with the accumulated points collected.

Our next BOT meeting is on Wednesday 17th September. Everyone is welcome to come along.

Have a fantastic week!
 Penny and the Team



Yes I am interested in purchasing an “At Home with Maths” Workbook for my child _________________________________________________________

I understand the teacher will select one from the series to suit my child’s ability.

I have enclosed $14 per book.

Signed: ______________________________________________


After lunch for our settling down, the seniors have been helping the juniors in our buddy reading programme where they support the juniors with their reading. This also reminds the seniors about what makes a good reader as they model the reading process with the juniors.

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