Thursday, March 12, 2015

Newsletter Term 1, No 6

Hello / Kia Ora

Thank you to the Coroglen Tavern for their kind donation of $562 from the muffin sales last year, not $362 as reported in last week’s newsletter

Parent Teacher Meetings
A reminder that these meetings are during the last two weeks of this term. If you have not already returned the slip, please do so this week. Your booked time will be confirmed shortly.

Coroglen Charity Horse Trek
The Coroglen horse trek is not far off now. It is on Saturday 28th March, at the Macdonald’s beautiful farm on Mill Creek Road. We know how busy everyone is, but we would love help to provide lunch for the riders. The less we have to buy, the more profit there is for the school. Can you make your favourite salad, some muffins, a quiche, a cake or donate extra fruit from your trees? If you have a spare roast that you don’t mind cooking or have some extra smoked fish, it would really be appreciated. We have had such wonderful feedback on our lunch each year, so let’s all do a little bit to provide another fantastic feast. If you would like to join us, and enjoy this wonderful day on the farm, you are most welcome.
Please call me on 866 3134 and let me know how you can help. Thanks heaps.  Amy


SATURDAY MARCH 28, 2015 from 8AM TO 5PM
If you have any questions or would like to register please email us at: or phone us on 866-3134.  Alternatively check out our Facebook page Coroglen Charity Horse Trek, for photos and more information.

Trail Ride – Once again thanks to those who helped with this event. We will let you know how much was raised in due course.

Reading Recovery
Some of you may have noticed that Jean Saunders is doing our Reading Recovery Programme this year. This has allowed us to have two children at Coroglen School on the programme which is very advantageous to us with our growing junior role. This is a shared position with Whenuakite School who also get help with two youngsters on the programme.

Coroglen School Swimming Carnival
This has been postponed to Monday 23rd March from 1.30pm. All parents are welcome to come along. We will also be presenting the swimming cups and the children will be displaying the skills they have been practicing in the pool this year.

Mercury Bay Day Camp
If you haven’t already registered your child, the holiday camp is now fully booked.
Our school gardens urgently need attention! We are holding a working bee to get the grounds
presentable again. Some people have indicated that after school would be more suitable than a weekend day. Please indicate which day suits you to spend an hour helping to beautify the grounds. Please bring your own gardening tools

Yummy Stickers
We sent out Yummy Sticker Sheets at the beginning of the term, and would like to remind parents that the Yummy fruit is now hitting the supermarket shelves and to remember to save the stickers J

Project Energize
Briar Ward visited our school on Monday to talk to the children about the sugar content in drinks. Both children and teachers were amazed at the high levels of sugar in our drinks. She will be following this up with a Healthy Eating session on Thursday 26th March getting the children to make healthy fruit smoothies. Parents will be asked to supply some items. More info will come home next week.

Continuing Care Visit
The senior class will be visiting and performing at Continuing Care on Wednesday 25th March. More information and transport requests will come home next week. This is a most worthwhile excursion.



My preferred day is _______________________

My preferred time is (please circle) 3.15pm

3.30pm  3.45pm  4.00pm  4.15pm  4.30pm

Name: ________________________________________

Signed: _______________________________________


I would prefer to help with the gardens on a

Monday  Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   

Friday    Saturday    Sunday


Signed: ________________________________________

Newsletter Return Slip Wed 11th March 2015

I have received and read this newsletter.

Signed: _________________________________________

Have a wonderful week

Penny and the team

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