Friday, July 8, 2016

Newsletter, Term 2, Wk 10

Hello / Kia Ora

Term Dates
Term 2 ends 3pm, this Friday 8th July
Term 3 starts 9am on Monday 25th July
Term 3 ends 3pm on Friday 23rd September

Winter Sports (Year 4-8)
We had a perfect day for Winter Sports yesterday with our younger team winning all their games. Our Y7-8 team (which is made up of mainly Y6 children) put up a good fight against their opposition, but were unable to convert their points into wins. Special mention to: Max and Seth for excellent defence in netball; Moana who scored quite a few goals in hockey and soccer; Yui and Clara in rippa; and the amazing skills in all sports and the energy from Oli and Leon which was fantastic. The team spirit and support for each other and from the parents present was also great to see.

Well done guys!

Kindling needed
Both of our classrooms have plenty of firewood for next term however we do require kindling. The firewood we have been donated is very hard to cut down to kindling so we thought some children may enjoy a family day collecting pine cones these holidays. We are asking for all children to bring a bag of  kindling to school next term.

Please check your child’s bag this Friday for their reports. We hope the simplified report form gives the information you require. We will be offering parent/teacher interviews next term.

Homework for Juniors
Maths homework has been pasted into the children’s homework book. There are two lots, one for each week for our bright stars to work on over the holidays. As you know Mathletics is also available online from home. We would love to see more children using this online. They can set their own work. The children should know how to log on to the Mathletics site.

Y1-2 When your children sing the alphabet song at home parents please ensure they are pronouncing the correct sounds, and praise them as we have some lovely voices coming through the junior room.

All the Y1s need to know their Humpty Dumpty Wall words when they return next term.

Homework for Seniors
There is no homework for the seniors BUT we do have Cross Country coming up next term so all children need to start doing a bit of running in the holidays to start their cross country training.

There are also wonderful books available at the town and school libraries, for those wanting to read for pleasure – remember to renew your books before the holidays!

Our goal is for attendance to be at a minimum of 90%.  Attendance percentages have been worked out and will be included in the reports. While we acknowledge that all children get sick or are absent for legitimate reasons, many need to improve their attendance and/or punctuality.
Attending school is more than just about reading, writing and maths. It’s about learning valuable life skills, developing good work ethics and becoming a valuable member of society. Regular attendance at school greatly improves employment, social and life chances and reduces the development of antisocial behaviour and youth offending.
Education is not an option – it’s compulsory.

Pet Day
Please start thinking about your pets for Pet Day on Saturday 15th October.

Have a good week and a safe, restful and enjoyable holiday break, from Jean and the team…

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